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Fun with Peanut Butter

15 Jan

I’m sixteen. When you are sixteen and no restaurants or businesses will hire you, where do you go? Your next door neighbors. I babysit often for a few families in my neighborhood, and I’m constantly looking for new ways to entertain the little ones. Now, granted, I don’t just go giving peanut butter to every child I see, that is just plain irresponsible (because of peanut allergies). But when you know for certain that the child doesn’t have a peanut allergy, making Peanut Butter “Playdough” can be a fun, and yummy activity! It’s super easy and quick to make, so it’s perfect for any babysitter just plain out of ideas, or a mom in a bind! Here’s the recipe!


1 cup of peanut butter (creamy)
1/2 cup of honey
2 cups of powdered sugar


Mix up all of the ingredients into a mixing bowl, and you are done! Put any leftovers in the freezer to store, or bake them into cookies! (Bake at 350 for 15-20 min.)


12 Jan

Butter-cream frosting. It’s the best. Especially when it’s homemade. That’s why I’m going to share my recipe. It can go on anything! Cakes, cookies, you name it! One batch is enough to cover a dozen sugar cookies, so for cakes you may need to make a double batch.

Butter-cream frosting

1 stick of butter (softened)
2 cups of powdered sugar
1 tablespoon of milk
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract.

Combine your ingredients into a large mixing bowl and whip with a beater until smooth (like frosting).

That’s it! Super easy right? Enjoy!

When Life Gives You Bottles (A Nifty Trick)

10 Jan

Sometimes, you are caught in a situation where you just don’t have the kitchen utensils that you need. Such as a rolling pin. Which was a common situation for me while I was in Brazil. As much as my family in Brazil tried to convince me that there was a rolling pin in the kitchen drawers, there were none to be found. So, when desperate times call for desperate measures, you have to improvise. Here is a handy little trick you can use when you are caught without your rolling pin (especially when you are making my “All American Apple Pie”!). All you need to do is find a smooth, empty, glass bottle (wine bottles work well). It needs to be glass, because plastic gets all crinkly and isn’t heavy enough to roll out the dough evenly. Next, just take your bottle, and flour it up. And there you have it, a make shift rolling pin!